Our letter to those who serve.

I started 911der Women hoping some women would join.  I hoped we would get 100 women who could be inspired and effect change.  I hoped 100 women would gain camaraderie and confidence through community.  I couldn’t even dream that we would have almost 15,000 women in our Facebook group, that there would be a constant stream of inspiration and hope flowing through the group every single day.

I watch before my eyes connections being made, women celebrating victories big and small, getting questions answered that they did not want to ask people who “knew” them.  I watch women gaining confidence by realizing they were always qualified.  I see women realizing that other women believe in them, that they can do hard things. 

Women learning that they are not alone – not in their struggles, not in their victories. 

Other women struggle with the same things, other women can help us overcome the same obstacles.  There is absolutely strength in our “squad”.  In our 911 community, I believe in the importance of women having a “squad” because women look out for other women. This is our code. This is how we draw more strength. This is what 911der Women has become, an amazing squad. This is the important stuff. This is what’s real.

911der Women is a community in our industry coming together despite all of the millions of differences.  Different backgrounds, different jobs, different religions, they come from 911 centers, from industry partners, from state or federal positions, they vote differently, pray differently, love differently, they speak in different ways, but with at least one thing in common; they are amazing people in public safety who have found the calling of public service in the community.  They have embraced and celebrated their differences and decided that we are more alike than we are different

Through it all, I have had to grant myself grace. I have failed.  I have made mistakes. I have found all of this overwhelming at times.  I have wanted to throw in the towel, not knowing if I was doing the right things and doubting my ability to lead these amazing women.  But every single time someone has picked me up, telling me they appreciate what we’re doing or that they love the group.  These moments keep me going – the support from the women and men who find value in what we are doing.  There are people out there who doubt what we are doing and if it holds value.  This not only lights my fire, but also shows that we have work to do. 

And if I know these 911der Women like I think I do, I have zero doubt that the hard work is already in progress.  In tiny baby steps, one day at a time, one woman at a time, inspired by her squad, is finding her voice and showing up for her life. 

This is empowerment.  This is 911der Women.


Sara Weston

We’re honored to lead.


Sara Weston, ENP, PMP

I am the founder and Executive Director of 911der Women, Inc. and CEO of Sara Weston Consulting, LLC. I have worked in the 911 community for 19 years and I can proudly say that it is in my blood.  It is through my work across the country in and around 911 centers, state programs and federal projects that revealed the need for stronger connections and mentorship within 911.  My work and the amazing people I’ve met, inspired this movement for uplifting and empowering women in 911.    If we run into each other in my travels, please stop and say hi! I hope to open pathways for women in 911 and help us see those pathways through professional and personal growth.


Leah Missildine

I am the proud supporter of our founder, Sara, in this amazing community that is 911der Women.  Since taking my first 911 call in a PSAP in August 1998, I’ve always known there was something special about the profession we’ve found ourselves in.  I became part of a state 911 program in its infancy about six years ago and what’s become glaringly obvious is that we must capitalize on all the untapped potential, shared experiences, and amazing talent we have in and among us.  My hope is to ignite any passion and propel forward any 911der Woman that we encounter along the way with meaningful interactions and positive growth.