Do Not Expect You From People
“By putting yourself in someone’s shoes you can see a side you had never imagined before…. You can address the root of an issue with someone once you understand where they are coming from.”

Creating Positive Distance - Where Life Comes Rushing Back In
“{I’ve found} Space to breathe, to deeply love myself and those around me, to create experiences that feed my soul, to slowly re-examine and redefine my faith, and to let my passions unfurl naturally.”

Why Can’t We Just All Get Along?
“The truth is that the negative environment in the comm center is our responsibility. No supervisor, co-worker, commander or chief can make it better. It, like everything else, is up to us.”

Bigger Than the Bias: Being a Person of Color in 911
“When it comes to the discussion on racial tolerance and cultural acceptance, the conversation should never start with asking what the other person could do better, but what I, individually, can do better.”

Light the Fire!
“Having that virtual meeting helped me gain some perspective for the future of our profession, and helped me come to terms with the fact that we live in an ever changing world, and that we must continue to evolve even during the hardest of situations.”

An Open Letter to New Dispatchers
“This job, this career will change you in ways you never thought possible. You will find a passion about your community and your first responders. When people ask what you do you will be ready for the “what’s your craziest call” answer. “

Dispatching as an Empath
“You are the only person who knows when enough is enough. We as dispatchers take responsibility for so much around us that we forget that we need help too. It takes time to really get to know your mind and soul.”

Surrender Control, Take a Vacation
Roxanne VanGundy shares her insight on hitting the reset button in her life, her job as a dispatcher, and precious lessons learned from her mama.

In Times of Trouble, Look for the Helpers
This month, Megan Hamilton shares her insight on life as a dispatcher through COVID-19.